Our Team

PPN Studio Staff

PPN Studio is professionally staffed by experts in gaming, anime, and related areas. Below you can find our management and editorial staff. Drop them a line and say hello, or point them to something news-worthy..


PPNSteve – Owner and publisher.
Runs this mess, posts about various things including the latest Japanese sales charts. He also maintains the site’s back end as well as it’s design. PPNSteve can be reached at webmaster @ ppnstudio.com

TSS_Killer avatarTSS_Killer – Head Editor.
Covers the anime and gaming beat, oversees all other editors and news staff. Resident videographer. TSS_Killer can be reached at demitri.k @ ppnstudio.com

Editorial Staff

Gama_Kurogane – News Editor.
Covers the manga / comic book scene, gaming and related areas. Gama_Kurogane can be reached at tjohnson @ ppnstudio.com

Angela – News writer.

VirtualChatot – News writer.

AdvancedK9 – News writer.

Amso – News writer.

SquishyEevee – News writer.

inu-liger – News writer / reviewer.
Contributing CD/DVD reviews, Japanese music discussions, and occasional event coverage. inu-liger can be reached at r.guilbault @ ppnstudio.com